Monday, October 24, 2011

A Brand New World

This week's blog post by a first year International student. Jenny is in her first year in the MACC program.

As I sit here on a glorious fall weekend, ---I reflect on the past week and the upcoming weeks. In the last week, I finished three tests and interviewed with one of the big four firms. This week, I only have one assignment and another interview with another big four firm! - I realize that somehow we are half way through this semester… It feels like only a few days ago that I was sitting in orientation, wondering what life will be like as a MACC student here in a foreign country, within a totally new language and culture environment.

At the same time, I feel that I have learned so much! My English skills have greatly improved . I have learned about subject materials in Accounting, of course, but also about the less tangible things that we are supposed to learn- how to work in teams, how to manage my time, how to prioritize, how to network with professionals…I could go forever.

Frequently, people from my country, who consider UNC Charlotte as their future study abroad choice, ask me my reasons behind my choice. Initially, I was not sure how to answer them because there were many reasons. However the #1 reason, I chose UNC Charlotte is the city. I love it here. As the second largest financial center in the United States, it provides you a variety of opportunities. The second reason is the exceptional faculty.  You truly learn not only textbook knowledge but also their life or career experience.

I have only been in the MACC program at UNC Charlotte for less than five months, but it already appears that UNC Charlotte is “a brand new world” for me. In this short period, I have made my first presentation in front of my class, not in Chinese of course. I am a Belk College Graduate Fellows member, participating in all various professional events. I received an invitation from two of the big four accounting firms for an office visit. Currently, I am working with four team members to write a report in regards to corporate governance and ethics. On a daily basis, I seem to work on different activities that are outside of the classroom. That is the beauty of graduate life in business school.

Three years ago, I graduated from one of the top law schools in China. Instead of becoming a lawyer, I decided to come to the United States. Two years ago, I volunteered in my community as a Chinese teacher. A year ago, I seriously thought about my future and career, deciding to go back to school. Today I am sitting under a tree on such a wonderful weekend afternoon, still trying to figure out what I want out of life. The difference now is that through the MACC program at UNC Charlotte I’m learning all the business and life skills that I need to pursue whatever I choose, anywhere in the world..

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