Thursday, March 24, 2011

Business Etiquette

Two weeks ago, a friend of mine recommended Tim Gunn's Gunn's Golden Rules: Life's Little Lessons for Making It Work to read over my week-long spring break. I am familiar with Tim Gunn due to his appearance on several talk shows but have never watched Project Runway. So I was curious to read his point of view from someone with an excess of 20 years in the fashion industry.  

Tim Gunn’s “tell all” book was a quick read.  The premise of the book was basic etiquette and when to say "No."   It is amazing that the basic rules our parents instilled in us as children are the foundation of behavior in society.  Yet many business men and women do not follow the rules of etiquette.

One of the two attributes I loved throughout the book was Gunn’s personal experiences. The Project Runway mentor illustrates his golden rules by recounting numerous interactions with his colleagues at Parsons as well as famous designers. While reading about his past situations and how he handled situations, I was reminded of my past business experiences. I will admit that I even questioned some of my reactions of various situations in my mind when I was reading. (I thought to myself: What would Tim say??)

The second attribute that I believe goes unrecognized at times is one's behavior when traveling abroad. I believe at times some individuals overlook the fact that the world DOES NOT revolve around the United States. (Have you ever had a moment where you wanted to hide under the table because a colleague acts like the stereotypical American tourist? I have!!!) For me this is perfect timing given my study abroad trip to Malaysia for real estate.  Long story short it reminded me that I have less than 2 months to make sure that I am up to speed on the "Dos" and "Don'ts" of Malay culture.

Long story short, I would recommend this book because it just reminds individuals that basic manners = success. Side Note: I believe that you develop a more open and broader view of life when you read biographies or nonfictions about topics outside your expertise.   

 The Belk College of Business truly reinforces etiquette as well. The Professional Development Program capitalizes on this point at the culmination of the students' first semester. Savannah Shaw, founder and owner of Savannah Shaw Professional & Personal Development, leads this annual event for the BCOB PDP program.  Shaw discusses not only table settings but also basic manners for business events.  It is a simple two hour event that reminds students what is appropriate at business lunches/dinners function when the ultimate goal is to complete a deal and enhance relationships. I am happy to know that I will be able to participate in this particular even next Fall and looking forward to reinforcing my skills. Yet another reason why I am happy I chose UNC Charlotte's MBA program.

Until next week, have a great weekend.

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