Thursday, October 14, 2010

GMAT or no GMAT?

Sentence correction. Critical reasoning. Data sufficiency. Problem solving. Yes, it is that time of year again! GMAT TESTING! YAY!!!  (sarcastic tone).

Look Familiar anyone?
Standardized testing seems to haunt me every step of the education process. I must say that the test, well any form of standardized testing is an intimidating factor especially on the graduate level. You’ve graduate from secondary school ages ago and now you have to learn the basics. Pythagorean theorem anyone?

So what if the GMAT was eliminated? What if an applicant can receive a “waiver” if he/she has at least 10 years of solid work experience? Some graduate business programs are contemplating this same question or already decided to remove the test from the admission process.  Those schools who removed removed the
 GMAT has indirectly increased their application pool. It is known in the admissions world that there are a percentage potential candidates who choose to withdraw their application because of the GMAT alone. But is the GMAT a means of "weeding" out those individuals who are not that serious? Is it a quick measuring tool for schools to keep their "award winning" statistics? Or is it an adequate test to evaluate one’s future academic performance?

So what is my point of view….I believe that the GMAT test should not be eliminated from the admission process. I will be honest and admit that I had a difficult time with the test. I took the GMAT twice, studied almost every day and enrolled in a preparatory class. Needless to say I invested a substantial amount of time and money into this test. For me personally, I would not apply to programs that did not have a GMAT as a requirement. I do believe that if you have in excess of 8+ industry specific work experience, an applicant should be waived from taking the exam.  However I do want to make it VERY CLEAR that I do not feel that the GMAT is a definitive evaluation of one’s future academic performance or success. 

What do you think? Would you apply to program where you know the GMAT is not a requirement or would release a sigh of relief? Just something to think about....

Have a nice weekend!


  1. Nice blog! I like your writing way. I'm doing practice GRE here: . I hope it's useful for GRE test takers.

  2. Thank you for reading and commenting on my post. I appreciate it. Don't hesitate to add as yourself as a follower. I will share throughout the year several comments in regards to the graduate admissions process.
