Thursday, December 9, 2010

Time Management

Graduate School is a test of time management. You learn how to effectively manage your time to complete and study the respective material...OK lets be realistic. Graduate School is about assessing individuals' level of procrastination. There is one question that needs to be asked to address this issue. "Do you wait until the absolute last second to complete projects or do you plan days/weeks ahead in order to tackle assignments?" On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is extreme procrastination, I am at 3.5.  How about we just round up to 4..... I am a level 4 on the scale of procrastination.

For me, I literally lock up if I do not plan ahead.  People who are close to me know how neurotic I can be. Let's say the running joke is that I have to schedule a time to "scratch my head" with random post-it reminders throughout my home, car, office etc. (Did I ever mention that I have a Type A personality.) 
If it makes one feel better, I used to be the queen of procrastination. I never studied for a test prior to the night before and I still graduated with a A- GPA. However my prior position changed all of that. Let's just say when you work in the insurance world due to numerous legal conditions one CANNOT wait until the last minute to renew a policy. (If you do and still have a job, you are GOOD). The insurance life works two months if not more ahead. So let's just say my 9.5 procrastination level dropped drastically to almost zero.

Truly, I commend anyone that can put together a project within hours and not break into a sweat.  I cannot grasp that concept. I know I mentioned that in prior years, I waited to the last minute with my academic work but that was the OLD "me." I suppose one can say that my prior employer's organizational culture converted me. I know that I produce my best work when I plan and have plenty of flexibility. When I am under pressure, I panic. My creativity evaporates. My brain freezes.  (Yes all three happens at once) At that particular point, my goal is no longer based on submitting my best work but just completing the minimum requirement(s).

Long story short, my hat goes off to those who can complete AMAZING work in very little time.

Stay warm and have a nice weekend!

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