Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Value of a MBA

This week I had an epiphany. I didn't move to Charlotte solely to attend class, participate in groups projects, and study for exams. I moved to Charlotte to network and gain experience in the branding industry. This week, I've blown the dust off of my internship hat and begun scouting various companies in the Charlotte area. (Believe it or not, the summer will be here in heartbeat). I'm working on a roadmap of what exactly I am looking to accomplish over the summer. In addition, I am in the process of networking with those individuals who can guide me throughout this process either from a professional or personal level. I do truly believe that a person's success is not only based on their internal ambition but also their external support system. When one surrounds themselves with positive motivators, not necessarily people "like" them, he/she will see a substantial difference. I think that some people believe that if they surround themselves with people ONLY in top management positions…they've got it made. I beg to differ.
I had a conversation with a friend of mine this week in regards to my program. My friend inquired about how classes were treating me and what I planned to do with my degree upon graduation. I briefly discussed my career plans and how I plan to take advantage of the Charlotte community to network with the "necessary" individuals. In our conversation, we discussed how unfortunately when some people achieve notable professional achievements the individual loses themselves. He/she becomes so involved in their title that they forget their network that was by their side well before he/she was at the pinnacle of his/her career. I think we have all seen this happen countless times. This is something that baffles me. For me, I am appreciative of every interaction that I have made in my years of living whether it was with the VP of a business unit at my prior company to the housekeeping staff at my high school. Each interaction made a difference in my career and the development of who I am. I do not believe in shunning those who are not in my "social status." Now if one has a negative impact in my life that is a different story. However just because an individual's status/position is not where "I approve" it to be doesn't mean the person should be considered beneath me. I think I should just stop here….Something to think about.
Well that is my soapbox this week. It was a little off the norm but one's foundation & network does have an impact on future outcomes & character. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I agree. This is very insightful. In my current position, I have noticed a few people who have not had this epiphany; mainly dealing with former military officers adjusting to civilian life. On the extreme end we have an actual officer that we support, but he only wants to deal with other former officers in our organization and he treats all the former enlisted as if they are beneath him. On the low end, we have a former officer attempting to treat us as if we are still in the military. They need to realize that we all contribute to the goals of our organization and if one of us fails to do our part, we all suffer the negative impact. TDR

  2. I appreciate the comment on my blog. I try not to write "rants" in my blog; however I just had this feeling that my thoughts needed to be shared. I must say it is a sad state of mind when individuals behave in this manner, but I truly believe it exemplifies his/her character.
