Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Holiday...a time to be grateful, rest, and study!

At last, Thanksgiving break is here. For some, this means lots of hectic traveling, amazing food, and great company. For others, it’s that time of the year when friends and families gather around the dinner table to celebrate an important tradition in the American society. But for everyone, it’s the time of the year when we stop from our busy lives to reflect on the year that is about to end (very soon!) and extend our gratitude about the good (and sometimes the bad) things that have happened in our lives.

As I am waiting for my next flight to go visit my family, I start to reflect on how blessed I've been all my life. I have so many things to be grateful for…I don’t even know where to begin: I’m thankful for my family who has supported me on every level throughout my entire life; I’m blessed to have a number of amazing friends who I can count on no matter what; I’m thankful for the people who have entered in my life at one point or another and who have shaped me into the person I am today; I’m thankful for having a healthy life; I’m thankful for the opportunities I was blessed with (the ability to play tennis and travel around the world doing something I so much enjoy; the opportunity to work under the leadership of some amazing people from whom I learned so much about business and life; the opportunity to attend not one, but two very distinct and respectful universities in the US and get an education that I will carry with me throughout my entire life); and I’m thankful for the challenges I had to face as they made me a better stronger person.

Although I look forward to this mini vacation and spending time with my family, life as a graduate student requires you to be engaged in your school work even during this time. As a graduate student you cannot get away from your studies not even for a few days. I’m sure my classmates can agree with me on this part. As this semester is coming to an end, all the semester-long projects and papers are coming due and the final exams are creeping around the corner. I know I will use these days off to try to catch up not only on my sleep but, in between the copious meals, also on my studies. 

What are your plans for this Thanksgiving break?

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